B-2 – Area 2 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 125 Drilling within Area 2 will not result significant adverse effects on groundwater, surface water or soil quality as a result of the mixing of previously isolated aquifers or a loss of aquifer pressure; 178 The grouting techniques proposed within the Willows Access Tunnel (including the type of grouting used) is based on existing grouting techniques that have been widely used and tested throughout the mining industry. Significant adverse effects on groundwater, surface water and soil quality is therefore not anticipated as a result of the drilling; 179 No surface water will be used to support drilling activities within Area 2; 180 OGNZL continues to work with tangata whenua regarding cultural effects and how the Project can best accommodate and provide for their relationship with identified taonga. This is considered further in Section 5 of the Overarching AEE;181 and, While geothermal water may be intercepted during drilling, the water does not form part of a geothermal system.182 Drilling activities within Area 2 are therefore consistent with the outcomes sought in Objective 3.8.2 and the associated directives in Policy 1. River Bed Disturbances and Structures Objectives 4.2.2 and 4.3.2 manage the disturbance of the beds and banks of river beds and the management of structures located in, on, under or over them. These objectives seek to ensure that beds and banks of rivers are managed in a manner that: produces a net reduction in the adverse effects of the destabilisation of river and lake beds;183 does not have adverse effects on water quality, flow regimes, aquatic ecosystems and wetlands that are inconsistent with Objective 3.1.2;184 does not obstruct fish passage for trout and indigenous fish to complete their life cycle;185 178 Objective 3.8.2(b) and (c) and Policy 1(c) and (d), Waikato Regional Plan. 179 Policy 1(a), Section 3.8.2, Waikato Regional Plan. 180 Policy 1(b), Section 3.8.2, Waikato Regional Plan. 181 Policy 1(e), Section 3.8.2, Waikato Regional Plan. 182 Objective 3.8.2(e)-(f) and Policy 1(f), Section 3.8.2, Waikato Regional Plan. 183 Objective 4.2.2(a), Section 4.2, Waikato Regional Plan. 184 Objective 4.2.2(b), Section 4.2, Waikato Regional Plan. 185 Objective 4.2.2(c), Section 4.2, Waikato Regional Plan.