Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-2 – Area 2 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 122 Sections and consider the effects of damming and diversion activities.150 Sections 7.4 and address the effects of fish passage with respect to the NPSFM and RPS respectively.151 In both instances, the effects arising from activities within Area 2 are not inconsistent with this policy. As discussed in Section, the activities occurring within Area 2 are not expected to increase the risk of flood hazard or land instability.152 Section considers the effects of damming and diversion of Unnamed Tributary 2 on aquatic ecosystems. There will be a direct loss of existing aquatic habitats as a result of activities occurring within Unnamed Tributary 2. The ecological value of this tributary is medium to high. The offsetting proposed and the rehabilitation and remediation of Unnamed Tributary 2 includes provision for various instream habitats and extensive riparian planting. Despite the temporary damming and diversion of Unnamed Tributary 2, the overall offsetting will result in substantial net gains, with further enhancements generated once the WRS is removed and the site rehabilitated. The loss of tributary flow to the Mataura Stream from the WRS gully is expected to range of 1 – 2% of the total Mataura Stream flow. Such reductions are considered unlikely to be discernible from the background variability in flow and there are no existing surface water takes from Matura Stream which could be impacted.153 The effects of activities within Area 2 on ground and surface water allocation is considered with respect to Policy 8.6 of the RPS.154 Overall, the damming and diversion activities associated with Area 2 will achieve the outcomes sought by these provisions. Wetlands Section 3.7 specifically manages wetlands. Of particular note is Policy 1, which seeks to ensure that land drainage activities within or immediately adjacent to wetlands identified as areas of significant indigenous vegetation or habitats of indigenous fauna are undertaken in a manner which avoids changes in water levels that result in: shrinking or loss of the wetland,155 or accelerated dewatering and oxidation,156 or 150 Objective 3.6.2(a) and (b), Section 3.6, Waikato Regional Plan. 151 Objective 3.6.2(c), Section 3.6, Waikato Regional Plan. 152 Objective 3.6.2(d), Section 3.6, Waikato Regional Plan. 153 Objective 3.1.2(e) and (g), Section 3.1, Waikato Regional Plan. 154 Objective 3.6.2(g), Section 3.6, Waikato Regional Plan. 155 Policy 1(a), Section 3.7, Waikato Regional Plan. 156 Policy 1(b), Section 3.7, Waikato Regional Plan.