B-2 – Area 2 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 121 Overflow from sediment retention and containment ponds will discharge via specifically designed spillways designed to avoid river bed and bank erosion;141 Natural character is discussed in Section 5.2 of the AEE. As concluded in this section, the proposed activities within the river and its margins are not inappropriate from a natural character perspective;142 and, OGNZL continues to work with tangata whenua regarding cultural effects and how the project can best accommodate and provide for their relationship with identified taonga. This is considered further in Section 5 of the Overarching AEE. 143 Accordingly, non-point discharges associated with activities within Area 2 will achieve the directives set out in Policy 1, Section 3.9. Damming / Diverting The outcomes sought for the damming and diverting of water are described in Objective 3.6.2 and associated Policy 2. These provisions collectively seek that damming and diversion: does not generate adverse effects that are inconsistent with the water management objectives in Section 3.1.2 or associated surface water policies in Section 3.2.3;144 does not generate adverse effects that are inconsistent with the river and lake bed structures objectives in Section 4.2.2 or associated policies relating to structures in the beds of rivers contained in Section 4.2.3;145 does not obstruct fish passage where it would otherwise occur in the absence of unnatural barriers;146 results in no increase in the adverse effects of flooding or land instability hazards;147 results in no loss of existing aquatic habitats as a consequence of channelisation of rivers;148 and take account of the consequent loss of water quality and any associated reduction in contaminant assimilative capacity, minimum flows and allocable flows for out of stream uses.149 141 Policy 1(b), Section 3.9, Waikato Regional Plan. 142 Policy 1(d), Section 3.9, Waikato Regional Plan. 143 Policy 1(c), Section 3.9, Waikato Regional Plan. 144 Objective 3.6.2(a) and Policy 1(a), Section 3.6, Waikato Regional Plan. 145 Objective 3.6.2(b) and Policy 1(b), Section 3.6, Waikato Regional Plan. 146 Objective 3.6.2(c), Section 3.6, Waikato Regional Plan. 147 Objective 3.6.2(d), Section 3.6, Waikato Regional Plan. 148 Objective 3.6.2(e), Section 3.6, Waikato Regional Plan. 149 Objective 3.6.2(g), Section 3.6, Waikato Regional Plan.