B-2 – Area 2 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 118 whether surface water instream uses, values and flows (including springs) are adversely affected;124 where sustainable yields have not been set in Tables 3-6 potential for loss of recharge to other aquifers;125 where sustainable yields have not been set in Tables 3-6 potential adverse effects from aquifer compaction and ground surface subsidence;126 potential for contamination of ground or surface water;127 potential for interference effects on neighbouring bores;128 possible monitoring methods;129 demonstration that physical access to the water does not adversely affect any other land and/or property owner;130 and the nature of hydraulic connection (if any) between the groundwater resource from which water is proposed to be taken and surface waterbodies.131 The Willows Farm Access Tunnel is located just outside of the Waihi Basin aquifer management area. The Waihi Basin aquifer is not currently subject to a sustainable yield in accordance with Tables 3-6 of the WRP, therefore the groundwater take has been assessed against the management level identified for the aquifer as set out in Section 5.10 of this AEE. The rationale for the abstraction of groundwater within Area 2 is explained in Section 3 of this AEE, while the actual and potential effects of the abstraction of groundwater (and how these will be managed) are discussed in Section 5 of this AEE. In particular, it is noted that the abstraction of groundwater is necessary to provide safe access to the mineral resources. The groundwater take is also within the management limits identified for the Waihi Basin aquifer. Further, it is concluded that the abstraction of groundwater will not have any discernible effect on any existing groundwater abstraction, the natural variability of surrounding waterbodies or habitats within the surrounding pastoral farmland or any other aquifers (refer to Section 5). No discernible contamination effects are expected to arise either with respect to the drilling and dewatering methodologies adopted on site. 124 Policy 12(m), Section 3.3, Waikato Regional Plan. 125 Policy 12(o), Section 3.3, Waikato Regional Plan. 126 Policy 12(p), Section 3.3, Waikato Regional Plan. 127 Policy 12(q), Section 3.3, Waikato Regional Plan. 128 Policy 12(r), Section 3.3, Waikato Regional Plan. 129 Policy 12(u), Section 3.3, Waikato Regional Plan. 130 Policy 12(v), Section 3.3, Waikato Regional Plan. 131 Policy 12(w), Section 3.3, Waikato Regional Plan.