Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-2 – Area 2 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 112 the effects of the activity are managed by applying the effects management hierarchy.77 As discussed with respect to Policy 7 of the NPSFM, the functional requirements of Area 2 mean that it cannot practicably avoid a temporary loss of river extent or values. Boffa (2022a) describes how the effects will be avoided, remedied, mitigated and offset in accordance with the effects management hierarchy such that overall level of loss of river extent and values is assessed as very low. The proposed temporary siting of the WRS meets the relevant limbs of this policy. Policy A4 and B7 of the National Policy Statement 2014 were inserted into the WRP in August 2015. Despite a new NPSFM being released in 2020, the 2014 policies remain in the WRP. When considering any application for a discharge, Policy A4 requires the consent authority to have regard to: the extent to which the discharge avoids contamination that will have an adverse effect on the life-supporting capacity of freshwater and on the health of people and communities;78 and the extent to which it is feasible and dependable that any more than minor adverse effect on freshwater or the health of people and communities, resulting from the discharge would be avoided.79 Similar to Policy A4, Policy B7 requires the consent authority to have regard to the following matters when considering any application for the taking, using, damming or diversion of freshwater or the drainage of a wetland which is likely to result in a more than minor adverse change in the natural variability of flows or level of freshwater: to the extent to which the change would adversely affect safeguarding the life supporting capacity of freshwater and of any associated ecosystem; 80 and to the extent to which it is feasible and dependable that any adverse effect on the life supporting capacity of freshwater resulting from the change would be avoided. 81 77 For the purposes of this policy, functional need, effects management hierarchy and loss of value have the same meaning given by the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020. 78 Policy A4(1)(a) and (2)(a), Section 3, Waikato Regional Plan. 79 Policy A4(1)(b) and (2)(b), Section 3, Waikato Regional Plan. 80 Policy B7(1)(a), Section 3, Waikato Regional Plan. 81 Policy B7(1)(b), Section 3, Waikato Regional Plan.