B-2 – Area 2 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 111 River beds – including provisions relating to the erection and use of structures and disturbance of riverbeds; Land and soil – including provisions which address drilling, wetlands, works in high risk erosion areas, discharges onto or into land and consideration of contaminated land; and Air – including the management of dust and other discharges of contaminants to air. OGNZL continues to work with tangata whenua regarding the effects on the project on cultural values. Provisions within the WRP regarding cultural values have been assessed within Section 9 of the Overarching AEE. National Direction Objective 3.A.1 of the WRP reflects the directions set out in clause 3.26(1) of the NPSFM. Specifically, it seeks to ensure fish passage is maintained or improved by instream structures, except where it is desirable to prevent fish passage in order to protect desired fish species, their life stages, or their habitats. As recommended by Boffa Miskell (2022a), all proposed culverts will make provision for fish passage as appropriate for the species present within the relevant waterbody. Conditions of consent will ensure these key design requirements carry through into detailed design. Policy 3.A.2 builds on Policy 6 of the NPSFM and was addressed above in Section when discussing Policy 6. It seeks to avoid the loss of extent of natural inland wetlands, promote their values and promote their restoration. While no direct effects will be generated as a result of activities within Area 2, the loss of Unnamed Tributary 2 from the Mataura Wetland catchment will result in an indiscernible change in the natural variability of the wetland. This low level of effect, coupled with the enhancements proposed to the wetland (as described with respect to the Mataura Wetland Restoration Management Plan)ensure that the activities within Area 2 avoid any loss in the extent of the Mataura Wetland and will support the restoration and enhancement of wetland values. Policy 3.A.3 builds on Policy 7 of the NPSFM and was addressed above in Section when discussing Policy 7. Collectively, they seek to avoid the loss of river extent and values unless the council is satisfied that: there is a functional need for the activity in that location;76 and 76 Policy 3.A.3(a), Section 3, Waikato Regional Plan.