Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-2 – Area 2 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 105 Riparian areas and wetlands Objective 3.16 of the RPS (and its associated policies) seeks that riparian areas and wetlands be managed to maintain or enhance a range of values including water quality, indigenous biodiversity, cultural values and the quality and extent of riparian and wetland habitat.46 Risks from natural hazards are also required to be effectively managed. Key points of relevance with respect to this objective are: For the reasons set out in Section below, the amenity values of riparian areas will be maintained or enhanced;47 Activities within Area 2 will result in the removal of approximately 2,500m2 of exotic and native vegetation and habitat removal. As set out in Section 5.12, this area has been assessed as being of low ecological value; Riparian restoration of a 1,150m length of Tributary 3 will be undertaken, in addition to the rehabilitation of Tributary 2. Approximately 56,000 m2 of riparian planting is proposed around the Mataura Stream, the unnamed tributaries of the Mataura Stream and the Mataura wetland. This planting will enhance the quality and extent of the margins and encourage greater indigenous biodiversity to the area. This will result in an overall net gain in riparian habitat;48 An overall reduction in the source of surface water runoff, interflow and groundwater recharge is expected at the Mataura Wetland due to an overall reduction in the catchment size of the wetland. The effects of this change will be minor at most and will be within the natural variability of the wetland. Notwithstanding this, monitoring and subsequent “trigger” conditions are proposed which will ensure there are no adverse effects on the extent or values of the wetland while the WRS is in place; The riparian and wetland replanting will enhance the resilience of the margins to erosion during flooding.49 The activities being undertaken within the margins of the water bodies present within the Area 2 are therefore consistent with the outcomes sought by Objective 3.16 and will ensure that the values, quality and extent of the riparian and wetland habitats are maintained or enhanced. 46 Objective 3.16 also seeks that they be managed to maintain or enhance public access and amenity values. 47 Objective 3.16(a)(ii), Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 48 Objective 3.16(b)(i), (ii) and (v), Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 49 Objective 3.16(b)(iii), Waikato Regional Policy Statement.