B-2 – Area 2 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 98 Policy 9 and 10 Protection of habitats of indigenous freshwater species, trout and salmon is the focus of Policies 9 and 10 respectively. As set out with respect to Policy 7 above, the WRS will result in the loss of approximately 390 m of Unnamed Tributary 2. Other instream works, such as the installation of culverts, will also potentially affect the habitats of indigenous freshwater species and trout. although though no trout were observed within Area 3 during the past four monitoring occasions. The effects of the WRS on these species is assessed in the Boffa (2022a) report. In summary, prior to works commencing within Unnamed Tributary 2, native fish and koura relocation will occur in accordance with the wider Fish Management Plan being established for the WNP. The habitats of these fish species will also be enhanced (and the associated loss within Tributary 2 offset) within the adjacent Unnamed Tributary 1 prior to works commencing. On the removal of the WRS, Unnamed Tributary 2 will also be rehabilitated and the habitats of these fish species enhanced to improve the ecological value of the tributary as it currently exists. Fish passage will also be provided for in association with instreams works for this project. The type of fish passage required (i.e. climbing or swimming species) will be assessed by a freshwater ecologist and will follow NZTA guidance and NIWA’s 2018 New Zealand Fish Passage Guidelines. These measures will be secured by way of conditions imposed on the resource consents. The offsetting proposed both in the short and long term will ensure that indigenous freshwater species are protected in accordance with this policy. 7.5 REGIONAL POLICY STATEMENT 7.5.1 Waikato Regional Policy Statement The RPS provides an overview of the resource management issues for the Waikato Region, and sets out objectives, policies and methods intended to achieve the integrated management of natural and physical resources. The key topics in the RPS relevant to the Area 2 sub-unit include: air quality; freshwater bodies; indigenous biodiversity; riparian areas and wetlands; historic and cultural heritage; landscape, natural character and amenity;