Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-1 - Area 1, Coromandel Forest Park – Assessment of Environmental Effects 11 Key conditions of the Access Arrangement include: A maximum of nine drill locations with a maximum of total disturbed area of 0.135 ha (an additional camp site can locate at a drill site) and one camp site location with a maximum total disturbed area of 0.015 ha. Each camp and drill site must not exceed a total disturbance area of 150 m2, with vegetation clearance only to be undertaken where necessary. Not damaging vegetation outside of the drill sites, campsites, helicopter landing areas or pumps sites, or vegetation that is equal or greater than 50 cm diameter at breast height. All felled trees, slash and other leafy materials are to be stockpiled on site and restored to the land upon completion of drilling. Using helicopters to enter the site and move any associated equipment to, from and between drill sites. Conducting detailed ecological surveys (by a suitably qualified ecologist and herpetologist) to ensure no drilling is undertaken on sites where there are one or more ‘Coromandel Striped geckos’, and/or five or more ‘At Risk’ or ‘Threatened‘ frog species. Where these species are identified and impact upon them is unable to be avoided, an alternative drill site will need to be found. The conditions also prevent felling of trees containing roosting bat activity Where sites are deemed suitable for drilling, construction of an exclusion fence (in accordance with a fencing plan) is required within five days of the final ecological survey to prevent wildlife from entering the drill site. Undertaking the drilling activity in accordance with a ‘CFP Kauri Dieback Management Plan’ (“CFP KDMP”). Various conditions in relation to water management, including maximum water take, avoiding any harmful discharge into waterways, and removal of all grey water from sites. Erection of appropriate signage. Avoidance of sites of cultural, archaeological or historical significance. Comprehensive rehabilitation of sites upon completion of drilling activity. All management plans required as part of the Access Arrangement have been prepared and lodged with DOC. This includes the CFP KDMP and Fencing Plan. 2.4.3 Hauraki District Plan Zoning As shown in Figure 5, the HDP identifies Area 1 as being located entirely within the Conservation (Indigenous Forest) Zone.