Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-2 – Area 2 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 94 be restored. The effects on the surrounding groundwater and surface water network are therefore anticipated to be minimal; and, The presence of the WRS during its operation is expected to provide some additional recharge to the deeper aquifer in the area, which will ultimately discharge to the Mataura Stream catchment, however it is a minor amount and will not have any discernible effects. Any seepage entering the Mataura Stream is not expected to significantly alter the existing quality of the stream, as it such a minor amount and is likely to be significantly diluted. As demonstrated in Section 5 and summarised above, the various activities undertaken within Area 2, both individually and when taken as a sum of their parts, will prioritise the health and wellbeing of water bodies and freshwater ecosystems, the health needs of people, thus the ability of people and communities to provide for their social, economic and cultural wellbeing, now and into the future. OGNZL continues to engage with tangata whenua regarding activities occurring within Area 5 and the wider WNP. Through this consultation process, OGNZL is focused on how the project can establish and operate in a way that protects the mauri of the wai and restores and preserves the balance between water, the environment and community, will be established. Policy 6 Policy 6 of the NPSFM seeks to ensure that there is no loss to the extent of natural inland wetlands and that their values are protected. Policy 6 also promotes the restoration of natural inland wetlands. This is further elaborated on Policy 3.A.2 of the WRP. As discussed in Section 2 of this AEE, the Mataura Wetland is located on the eastern edge of the Willows Road Farm site. Of relevance to Policy 6: All construction work will avoid directly encroaching into the wetland; Prior to works commencing, a riparian buffer at least 10 m wide will be planted and fenced around the wetland. On the completion of works, the wetland and surrounds will be further enhanced as part of the wider rehabilitation and closure plan for Area 2, as set out in Section 6; The WRS will result in a reduction in the Mataura Wetland catchment size. The change in water levels as a result of this reduction is unlikely to be discernible from the natural variability of the wetland and at most, the unmitigated effect is considered minor. Notwithstanding, monitoring and subsequent “trigger” conditions are proposed which will ensure that there are no adverse effects on the extent or values of the wetland; A wetland restoration plan will be implemented for the Mataura Wetland. Secured by way of resource consent condition, the plan will require (as a minimum): o Stock exclusion fencing around the wetland;