B-2 – Area 2 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 90 7.2 ACTUAL AND POTENTIAL EFFECTS With respect to section 104(1)(a) of the RMA, an assessment of the actual and potential effects on the environment associated with the activities occurring within Area 2 is provided in Section 5 of this AEE and in the technical assessments commissioned by OGNZL. Section 6 of this AEE also outlines other measures proposed by OGNZL which are able to be considered under section 104(1)(ab) of the RMA which ensure positive effects on the environment. These measures also align with OGNZL’s overall objective to ensure the wider WNP achieves an overall net gain. Overall, it is considered that the activities occurring within Area 2 will be undertaken in a manner that is generally consistent with the outcomes sought by the relevant statutory planning documents in order to achieve the sustainable management purpose of the RMA. 7.3 NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL STANDARDS The National Environmental Standards relevant to Area 2 are discussed in the following sub-sections. 7.3.1 National Environmental Standards for Freshwater The NES Freshwater sets standards to regulate activities that pose a risk to the health of freshwater and freshwater ecosystems. As described in Section 4 of this AEE, the Area 2 activities that are subject to standards under the NES Freshwater and may only be undertaken if a resource consent is obtained to authorise the activity are: reclamation of the unnamed tributaries of Mataura Stream associated with establishing clean and dirty water drains for erosion and sediment control purposes; reclamation of the bed of an unnamed tributary of the Mataura Stream within the footprint of the Willows Rock Stack; damming of an unnamed tributary of the Mataura Stream to create the Rock Stack Collection Pond; and the placement and use of culverts within the Willows Road SFA. Mitigation planting is also proposed adjacent to the Mataura Stream and Mataura Wetland, however these activities are permitted in the NES Freshwater. The requirements of the NES Freshwater and the associated effects of the proposed reclamation, culverting and enhancement activities are discussed further in Sections 4 and 5.11 of this AEE.