Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-2 – Area 2 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 72 The area surrounding Area 2 is considered sensitive to the effects of an unintended detonation. However, taking into account the proposed controls and distance to sensitive land uses, the effects on offsite people and property from the proposed hazardous substances storage has been assessed as less than minor. The risks to people, property and the environment from a fire at the surface facilities area of the Willows Road site is low and managed through site and equipment design (e.g. separation of incompatible substances, combustible material and ignition sources and provision of fire fighting facilities) staff training, and emergency response plans. The proposed hazardous substances storage locations are isolated from public access. The environment is considered sensitive to the effects of a spill of diesel or spill of packaged goods. The risk to the environment will however be managed through the site design (e.g. proposed spill containment measures including double skinned tanks, sealed refuelling areas, bunded storage areas and provision of water treatment for runoff arising from areas where these substances are stored or used) and operational procedures (e.g. spill response plan, unloading and safe handling procedures) such that the effects are assessed as being less than minor. 5.15 CONCLUSION This chapter of this sub-AEE contains an assessment of the actual and potential effects of allowing the proposed activities within Area 2. They include establishment, operation and closure of the Willows SFA, WRS, and the Willows Portal and Willows Access Tunnel. The discrete location of the site, including its close proximity to State Highway 25 means for the most part the amenity related effects of the activities will be confined to locations in close proximity. In Area 2 the Wharekirauponga Access Tunnel and bussing of underground mine shift workers to Area 2 will also minimise to a significant extent the volume of traffic required to enter and exit Area 2 using Willows Road. However, some light and heavy vehicle movements will still be required, and it will not be possible to ensure that all actual and potential environmental effects associated with Area 2 on neighbouring residents are avoided, remedied or mitigated such that there are no adverse amenity related effects. There will be some visual, noise and traffic effects associated with the project at various stage of its development. However. OGNZL is proposing that the activities be undertaken in accordance with a range of consent conditions which will limit those adverse effects to a scale the various technical assessments consider appropriate in this location. A comprehensive water management system is proposed for Area 2 which will see all runoff and seepage from areas of the site containing PAF rock collected and subject to appropriate treatment before being discharged to surface water. Best practice erosion and sediment control measures during construction, and stormwater management during