Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-2 – Area 2 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 70 5.12 EFFECTS ON TERRESTRIAL ECOLOGY An assessment of the potential effects of the Waihi North Project on terrestrial ecological values is provided in Boffa Miskell (2022b), a copy of which is provided in Part H of these application documents. The development of the Willows SFA and associated activities has, to the extent practicable, sought to avoid impacts on native vegetation. Approximately 0.25 ha of mixed native and exotic vegetation will be removed within the footprint of the WRS and portal entrance. The assessment finds that the ecological value of the affected vegetation is low, and therefore the level of effect of vegetation clearance is assessed as very low, or less than minor. The magnitude of effect of vegetation and potential habitat clearance within the farm property is overall assessed as negligible. For this scale of effect, mitigation or offsetting is not required, however OGNZL proposes relatively substantive planting and habitat enhancement measures within Area 2 which will deliver ecological benefits. This is shown in Figure 20 above. 4.15 ha of additional planting is proposed on the north east ridge of Willows Road. A small part of this (0.7 ha) is set aside as offset for the loss of vegetation and habitat resulting from the forest clearance required for vent construction within Area 1. However, the remaining 3.45 ha is volunteered by OGNZL as a means of ensuring positive effects on the environment. Additional planting for this purpose is also proposed along the boundary with the CFP (land administered by DOC). This planting is aimed at minimising edge effects and providing a buffer between the CFP and the farmland and will provide additional habitat for indigenous flora and fauna. This buffer area was identified as an opportunity to restore the original extent of the CFP as part of the Waihi North Project. The planting will comprise low-density planting of suitable native species to allow natural regeneration of species from the CFP. Birds are the fauna group most likely to be present within the Willows Road site area and boundary of the CFP, however edge effects would reduce the quality of these potential habitats in this location, particularly given other suitable areas of vegetation in the broader area. Any disturbance arising from construction noise and activities on birds is assessed as being very low, or a less than minor adverse effect. Potential discharges to air during construction can also potentially affect vegetation and habitats, however in this location such effects are expected to be minor in context and any deposited dust will quickly wash during subsequent rainfall.