B-2 – Area 2 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 62 with WUG plus base flows is less than the 300 veh/d threshold excepting for a short period of around 3 to 6 months early in the project indicating a road width of 5-6 m is appropriate in terms of the Engineering Manual. Stantec (2022) observes that the existing single lane bridge at approximately 110 m from SH25 imposes a constraint and will add some delays in peak times, however, as the bridge is already signposted (but with little marking) with priority for northbound traffic (away from SH25) there is little concern that any queues would form back to SH25. In turn, to ensure Willows Road is able to safely cater for the expected volumes of traffic, Stantec (2022) recommends that: A road centreline be marked over the full length of road, in particular those sections with limited forward visibility i.e. at curves in the alignment; Curve seal widening be implemented where necessary to ensure the design vehicle is able to negotiate all curves within its lane; The single lane bridge approaches be upgraded in accordance with the Manual of Traffic Signs and Markings (MOTSAM) for single lane bridge approaches and controls (which will require some minor widening); A Construction Management Plan be prepared and implemented which includes protocols for drivers on Willows Road to meet (e.g. with respect to speed, queuing and courtesy); and The pavement performance be monitored over the project duration and maintained as necessary (this recommendation is intended to monitor both pavement deterioration due to the heavy vehicle loading and any edge break due to isolated areas of narrow seal width). These matters have been incorporated into the proposed conditions. 5.7.3 Willows Road Extension and Access An extension of Willows Road is proposed from the current end of the two-way section (adjacent the entrance to No. 122 Willows Road) to the proposed site access which comprises a length of approximately 160 m. Stantec (2022) recommend the Willows Road extension incorporate a minimum 6 m sealed width the basis of the mitigation measures outlined for Willows Road above. A 6 m width will also meet the requirements of the HDC Engineering Manual for the expected volume of traffic. Stantec also recommends that a turning head be provided at the existing extent of twolane work, or near the proposed access location to enable the public to turn around.