Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-2 – Area 2 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 60 Item Trigger Action Or TSP concentration (24-hour average) exceeds 60 μg/m3 receptors on Willows Road except for dust control activities as detailed in the AQMP. Wind Speed Alert Hourly average wind speeds exceed 5 m/s and winds are blowing towards sensitive receptors. Dust sources and dust control measures within 200 m of sensitive receptors on Willows Road will be reviewed and additional dust control methods shall be implemented if necessary, as detailed in the site AQMP. Wind Speed Alarm (note does not apply during rain events) Gust wind speeds (two-minute average or less) exceed 10 m/s during two consecutive tenminute periods and winds are blowing towards sensitive receptors. Works may recommence when wind gusts (two-minute average or less) are less than 7.5 m/s during the previous two consecutive ten-minute periods. Contributing dust-generating activities will cease within 200 m of sensitive receptors on Willows Road except for dust control activities as detailed in the site AQMP. That ongoing visual monitoring of dust be undertaken across the site during construction and operation of the Willows SFA; and That daily monitoring measures be implemented when surface infrastructure is being installed and during operations. Beca (2022) concludes that, provided OGNZL adopts these measures, the adverse effects of discharges to air from the Willows SFA will be adequately avoided and mitigated. These matters have been incorporated into the proposed conditions and consequently, the likelihood that these discharges will result in noxious, dangerous, offensive or objectionable effects is considered to be low. 5.6 LIGHTING EFFECTS An assessment of effects on the surrounding environment from artificial lighting associated with the Waihi North Project is provided in Pederson Read (2022), a copy of which is provided in Part H of these application documents. The area for the Willows SFA is presently sparsely illuminated. Above-ground construction activities requiring artificial lighting will result in an increase in both glare and sky-glow from locations with a view of the area. Mobile lighting plant has the most potential to