Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-2 – Area 2 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 59 Rock stack and clean and dirty water collection ponds; Site access and haul roads; Explosive magazines/emulsion storage; Noise earth bunds; Package sewage treatment plant and soakaway area; and Rehabilitation. Without any mitigation, potential effects of the development and operation of the mine and tunnels would present a moderate to high risk of infrequent, short duration discharges of dust during dry windy conditions, which could affect nearby privately owned dwellings on Willows Road. To effectively mitigate the potential for adverse air quality effects associated with the activities at the Willows SFA, Beca (2022) recommends: OGNZL continues to carry out dust mitigation measures successfully (and currently) employed at the Waihi mine sites; An updated Air Quality Management Plan (“AQMP”) be prepared which covers Area 2; That a monitoring station is installed on a suitable site in the vicinity of the OGNZLowned dwelling on Willows Road to provide for the measurement of meteorological information and total suspended particulate (TSP). The purpose of the monitoring will be to monitor short term (< 1 hour) dust concentrations and wind conditions with the outputs of the instruments able to be used to trigger additional dust control measures and stop contributing dust generating work, if necessary; The AQMP incorporate the wind speed, TSP trigger levels and actions listed in Table 4 below: Table 4: Air Quality Management Plan – Wind Speed, TSP Trigger Levels and Actions. Item Trigger Action TSP Alert TSP concentration (1-hour average) exceeds 170 μg/m3. Dust sources and dust control measures within 200 m of sensitive receptors on Willows Road will be reviewed and additional dust control methods shall be implemented if necessary, as detailed in the site AQMP. TSP Alarm TSP concentration (1-hour average) exceeds 200 μg/m3 Contributing dust generating activities will cease within 200 m of sensitive