Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-2 – Area 2 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 58 The noise level arising from activities authorised by this consent must not exceed the limits specified below when measured at or within the boundary of any residentially zoned site or the notional boundary of any occupied dwelling in the Rural Zone: 0700 - 2200 Monday to Saturday 50 dB LAeq All other times 40 dB LAeq 2200 – 0700 (the following day) 70 dB LAFmax Compliance with these limits would achieve consistency with the limits recommended in NZS6802:2008 and be consistent with the recommendations for daytime noise published by the World Health Organisation. The proposed noise limit of 40 dB LAeq, which applies during all other times, is also consistent with NZS:6802:2008 and World Health Organisation guidance for the preservation of sleep when residents may have their windows open at night. Compliance with these noise limits is required by the proposed conditions and Marshall Day (2022) concludes that the noise effects emanating from the construction and operation of activities within Area 2 to be acceptable. 5.4 BLASTING AND VIBRATION An assessment of the actual and potential effects from blasting and vibration associated with the establishment of the Willows Access Tunnel and Willows Portal is provided in Heilig (2022), a copy of which is provided in Part H of these application documents. There are no areas of the decline where drilling and blasting associated with the establishment of the Willows Access Tunnel and Portal will produce levels of vibration at the nearest properties that would be perceptible to the residents. The separation distance reduces vibration from the decline blasting to immeasurable levels at these properties. 5.5 AIR QUALITY EFFECTS An assessment of the potential effects as a result of discharges to air from the Waihi North Project, is provided in Beca (2022), a copy of which is provided in Part H of these application documents. Beca (2022) expects the air discharges from the Willows SFA to be of a similar nature to those from the existing Martha Pit and underground mines but on a smaller scale and across a shorter timeframe. Key features of the project which will be potential sources of discharges to air during construction and operation are as follows: Topsoil stripping and storage; Tunnel portals and vent shafts;