Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-2 – Area 2 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 56 minimal external views and no detrimental effects on the surrounding open rural character. It is also recommended that all buildings visible from external areas are finished in darker recessive colour palette to reduce their potential prominence within the surrounding rural landscape. The majority of vegetation that characterises the Willows Road site will remain and retain the rural amenity of the area through a predominant cover of pasture and various shelterbelts and tree stands. Following rehabilitation, the landscape character of the Willows Road site will appear largely unchanged and continue to be associated with a working rural landscape. Waterbodies modified by the activities associated with the Willows SFA primarily represent permanent and intermittent watercourses and tributaries along the Mataura Stream. Whilst the project will remove the upper section of Unnamed Tributary 2, such modification will remain embedded in the context of an existing modified working rural environment within which natural elements and influences remain apparent. In this context, the changes to existing streams alongside substantial additional riparian planting across the larger Willows Road site in accordance with ecological recommendations will provide associated beneficial natural character outcomes. This will seek to ensure resultant adverse natural character effects are not unacceptable or significant in this context. Such work has been sited to avoid potential adverse effects on identified wetlands and will restore natural character values apparent across a broader area encompassing tributaries and the margins of the Mataura Stream. At completion, unnamed Tributary 2 will also be reinstated. This will further remediate any potential adverse natural character effects in the longer term. 5.2.4 Mitigation To effectively mitigate the potential for visual amenity, landscape, and natural character effects associated with the Willows SFA and associated activities, Boffa Miskell (2022) recommend: Retention of existing shelterbelts, trees and hedges in the Willows Road site outside disturbed areas where practicable. Strengthening of existing shelterbelts through additional planting managed through an effective rehabilitation strategy. This shall encompass: o Native buffer planting along escarpment edges; o Native buffer planting and exotic shelterbelt planting beyond riparian margins where this may assist in reducing available views; o Enhancement planting of existing and proposed wetland areas; and