Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-2 – Area 2 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 47 Activity Relevant Rules Comment Regulation 71(1) of the NES Freshwater. standards, and a global consent is being applied for to cover the erection and use of culverts within the Willows SFA. To undertake mitigation planting adjacent to the Mataura Stream and enhancement of the Mataura wetland. Permitted activity under Rule Permitted activity under Regulation 38 of the NES Freshwater. Native planting will be provided in accordance with a mitigation landscape planting plan. Some of this planting will occur adjacent to the banks of unnamed tributaries of the Mataura Stream and will involve planting adjacent to the Mataura wetland. This can be undertaken as a permitted activity. To take, use, dam and divert water (RMA s14 consents) To take and divert groundwater intercepted during tunnelling and stoping activities. Discretionary activity under Rule Discretionary activity under Rule Groundwater will be intercepted during tunnelling activities when constructing the Willows Portal and tunnel to the edge of the CFP. It may be diverted around active working areas (using grouting etc) or drained into the mine workings, where it will either be recycled for drilling purposes or diverted to collection ponds at the Willows SFA, and ultimately to the WTP for treatment. Intercepted groundwater may include water with a temperature that exceeds 30oC, which means such groundwater will also be classified as geothermal water. However, this water does not originate in a discrete ‘geothermal system’9. It is heated by the earth's natural geothermal gradient (being a 25°C increase per 1 km in depth). Therefore, the 9 The WRP definition of ‘Geothermal System’: An individual body of geothermal energy and water not believed to be hydrologically connected to any other. The system includes material containing heat or energy surrounding any geothermal water, and all plants, animals and other characteristics dependent on the body of geothermal energy and water.