Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-2 – Area 2 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 26 3. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 3.1 OVERVIEW The key features of the Waihi North Project within Area 2 will include: A SFA for surface-based mine infrastructure and facilities, including a mine portal; The beginning of a tunnel network out to the Wharekirauponga orebody including a vent raise; and Offset planting. 3.2 SURFACE FACILITIES AREA The Willows SFA will house surface-based facilities supporting the Wharekirauponga Underground Mine, as shown on Figure 17, with further technical drawings provided in Part D. The Willows SFA is approximately 18 ha in area and will be established before tunnelling operations begin. Features of the Willows SFA include: Office, crib room, change house and ancillary facilities; Small service workshop; Heavy vehicle wash facility and light vehicle wash pad; Stores building; Lay down area for storage of tunnelling consumables; Rock3 and topsoil stockpiles; Sumps/ponds for both general surface water collection/settling and contact/mine water collection; Stormwater diversion drains and channels; Internal site access roads; Storage for water and air supply equipment to service tunnelling, exploration and mining; Car parking for 50 cars; Noise bunds; An above ground magazine compound; 3 Non-acid forming (NAF) and potentially acid forming (PAF) rock.