B-2 – Area 2 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 19 Various unnamed tributaries flow across Area 2 and into Mataura Stream. One is within the footprint of the proposed Willows Rock Stack (“WRS”). It is unfenced, and contains several culverts, including one perched culvert. The tributary has a largely gravel and cobble bed, a width of between 0.2 m to 1 m and a depth of between 0.05 m to > 0.25 m. The tributary is unfenced and shows evidence of stock access with extensive pugging and slumped banks. Riparian vegetation is mostly pasture grass, with three pockets of more diverse vegetation higher up in the tributary. 2.14 AQUATIC ECOLOGY The aquatic ecology values of the receiving environment are described in Boffa Miskell (2022a) a copy of which is provided in Part H of these application documents. The Mataura Stream headwaters are in the forested catchments of the Coromandel Range. The WRP includes the Mataura Stream in the ‘Significant Trout Fishery and Trout Habitat Water Class’. Mataura Stream has good instream habitat quality and quantity consisting of an array of different habitats, including, riffles, runs, pools, undercut banks and overhanging / encroaching vegetation. Sediment cover was minimal with some sediment build up in slower flowing or more sheltered areas. Macroinvertebrate assemblages and indices are reflective of the goodquality habitat with many sensitive taxa. Fish species richness was diverse with six native fish species recorded within the stream or in adjacent catchments, including shortfin and longfin eel. Riparian vegetation and stream shading were limited and included mostly rank pasture and low stature vegetation. There does not appear to be any level of modification to the stream channel within the assessed reach, however the riparian margin is highly modified. Boffa Miskell (2022a) have assessed the Mataura Stream which runs through Area 2 as comprising high ecological value.