B-2 – Area 2 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 9 2.6 LAND OWNERSHIP AND DWELLINGS Area 2 is owned by OGNZL and comprises seven allotments. There are several privately owned dwellings located near the site’s southern boundary, as shown in Figure 5. There are three dwellings1 adjoining the south-east boundary of the site, accessed off Willows Road, and two dwellings adjoining the south-west boundary of the site, accessed off Highland Road.2 122 Willows Road is the nearest residential property to the site and has a northwest facing view over the site, capturing low lying pastoral land and rolling hillsides gradually rising towards the CFP. The north-west view from the private dwellings at 111A and 111B Willows Road consists of localised depressions in the landform due to a visible overland flow path in addition to the more distant rising landforms of the site. Views from these dwellings are largely defined by tree stands and shelterbelts. North-east views from private dwellings at 98A and 98B Highland Road are characterised by the rural features within the site, including the rising pasture covered hillsides which form part of the Coromandel Range foothills. Views from the corner of Willows Road and SH25 (which include views from private dwellings at 65 Willows Road, 33 Highland Road, and 69 Highland Road) are currently characterised by a rural outlook, including the rising pasture covered topography of the site in addition to the Coromandel Ranges and adjoining pastoral hills to the north. 1 122 Willows Road, 111A Willows Road, and 111B Willows Road. 2 98A Highland Road and 98B Highland Road.