B-2 – Area 2 - Assessment of Environmental Effects TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction ___________________________________________________________ 1 2. Existing Environment ___________________________________________________ 3 2.1 Introduction 3 2.2 Cultural Landscape 5 2.3 Environmental Setting 5 2.4 Existing and Consented Mining Activities 7 2.5 Zoning 7 2.6 Land Ownership and Dwellings 9 2.7 Road Transportation Network 11 2.8 Noise 11 2.9 Historic Heritage 12 2.10 Terrestrial Ecology 14 2.11 Geology 16 2.12 Hydrogeology 16 2.13 Hydrology 17 2.14 Aquatic Ecology 19 2.15 Water Resource Users 25 3. Project Description____________________________________________________ 26 3.1 Overview 26 3.2 Surface Facilities Area 26 3.3 Willows Access Tunnel 34 3.4 Hours of Work 36 3.5 Lighting 37 3.6 Storage and Use of Hazardous Substances 37 3.7 Closure and Rehabilitation 39 4. Resource Consents Required____________________________________________ 40 4.1 Hauraki District Council 40 4.2 Waikato Regional Council 43 5. Assessment of Effects _________________________________________________ 53 5.1 Introduction 53 5.2 Landscape, Visual Amenity and Natural Character Effects 53 5.3 Noise Effects 57 5.4 Blasting and Vibration 58 5.5 Air Quality Effects 58 5.6 Lighting Effects 60 5.7 Roading and Traffic Effects 61 5.8 Geotechnical Matters 63 5.9 Geochemistry and Acid Rock Drainage 65 5.10 Effects on Water 65 5.11 Effects on Aquatic Ecology 67 5.12 Effects on Terrestrial Ecology 70