B-1 - Area 1, Coromandel Forest Park – Assessment of Environmental Effects 7.5 Regional Policy Statements 102 7.6 Regional and District Plans 111 7.7 Other Matters 131 7.8 Part 2 of the Resource Management Act 1991 132 7.9 Section 105 of the Resource Management Act 1991 132 7.10 Section 107 of the Resource Management Act 1991 133 8. Conclusion __________________________________________________________134 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Location of the Waihi North Biodiversity Project Area and Area 1. 4 Figure 2: Otahu Ecological Area. 7 Figure 3: Environmental setting of Area 1. 8 Figure 4: Existing authorised exploration drill sites and associated infrastructure within Area 1. 10 Figure 5: District Plan zoning of Area 1. 12 Figure 6: Allotments that comprise Area 1. 14 Figure 7: Te Wharekirauponga Track view (Boffa Miskell 2022). 15 Figure 8: Sectional geology through Wharekirauponga (WSP 2022b). 16 Figure 9: Surface geology of Wharekirauponga area (WSP 2022b). 17 Figure 10: Wharekirauponga Surface Water Catchment Area (facing southwest) 18 Figure 11: Wharekirauponga sub-catchment with long term flow gauging stations marked (squares are 1 km). 19 Figure 12: Conceptual model of Wharekirauponga hydrology, including small springs in tributary headwaters. 20 Figure 13: Main stem of the Wharekirauponga Stream. 21 Figure 14: Northern (left) and southern Teawaotemutu streams (Boffa Miskell 2022a). 22 Figure 15: Thompson Stream (left) and ‘R’ tributary (Boffa Miskell 2022a). 22 Figure 16: Warm spring emergence (left) and discharge to Wharekirauponga Stream 24 Figure 17: Tramping tracks around Wharekirauponga Valley (Greenaway 2022). 26 Figure 18: The Proposed Waihi North Biodiversity Project Area. 29