Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

Waihi North Project – Overview of Application Structure ix Term Meaning A number of contingency ponds are located in the Waihi SFA area including the Mill Contingency Pond (MCP), Tailings Contingency Ponds (TCP, TCP2, TCP1A) and WTP Contingency Pond (WTPCP). Conveyor Existing infrastructure (overland conveyor system) used to transport material from the Martha Mine to the Waihi Surface Facilities Area and to the Central, Northern and Eastern Stockpiles and TSFs. Upgrades to the conveyor infrastructure within the Waihi SFA (Area 5) are proposed to support the processing of additional ore extracted from the Wharekirauponga orebody. Correnso Underground Mine An existing underground mine, authorised in 2013, located beneath residential properties in Waihi's east end and accessed via the existing Favona portal. Cover drill Drilling above an area of workings, for the purposes of injecting grout into the drill holes to prevent water ingress or dewatering. Decant water Water that is separated from the tailings slurry. District Plan The Hauraki District Plan. Diversion Drains Drains utilised to divert water around mining areas. Drive A horizontal passage underground that follows along the length of a vein or rock formation as opposed to a crosscut which crosses the rock formation. Dual Tunnel or Wharekirauponga Dual Tunnel A 6.9 km dual decline tunnel system that extends from the Willows Portal within the Willows Road SFA to the base of the Wharekirauponga ore resource. Earthworks As defined under the HDP. Eastern Stockpile An existing stockpile, located adjacent to the existing TSFs, used for the disposal of rock material. Ephemeral streams Streams that flow continuously for at least three months between March and September but do not flow all year. Explosives Magazine Class 1 storage facility, used for the storage of high explosives (ammonium nitrate fuel oil, booster and packaged explosives). Favona Portal An existing portal, located to the west of the Waihi SFA which provides access to the existing underground mines (Favona, Trio, Correnso, Slevin, and Martha Phase 4 Underground Mines). Favona Stockpile An existing stockpile, located at the Waihi SFA between the Favona Portal and the Processing Plant, which is used to temporarily stockpile rock before it is transported elsewhere for permanent disposal.