Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-1 - Area 1, Coromandel Forest Park – Assessment of Environmental Effects TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction ___________________________________________________________ 1 2. Existing Environment ___________________________________________________ 3 2.1 Introduction 3 2.2 Cultural Landscape 5 2.3 The Biodiversity Project Area 5 2.4 Area 1 7 3. Project Description____________________________________________________ 28 3.1 The Biodiversity Project 28 3.2 The Mining Related Activities 34 4. Resource Consents Required____________________________________________ 54 4.1 Thames Coromandel District Council 54 4.2 Hauraki District Council 55 4.3 Waikato Regional Council 59 5. Assessment of Effects _________________________________________________ 63 5.1 Introduction 63 5.2 Effects on Terrestrial Ecology 64 5.3 Dewatering Effects 69 5.4 Effects on Aquatic Ecology 74 5.5 Landscape, Visual Amenity and Natural Character Effects 76 5.6 Geotechnical Matters 77 5.7 Geochemistry and Acid Rock Drainage 77 5.8 Noise Effects 78 5.9 Blasting and Vibration Effects 79 5.10 Effects on Public Access and Recreation 79 5.11 Air Quality Effects 80 5.12 Lighting Effects 81 5.13 Historic Heritage Effects 81 5.14 Effects from the Storage and Use of Hazardous Substances 81 5.15 Conclusion 82 6. Management and Monitoring of Effects____________________________________ 84 6.1 The Vent Raise Conditions 84 6.2 Archey’s Frog Conditions 85 6.3 Dewatering Conditions 86 6.4 Biodiversity Project Conditions 88 6.5 Summary of Mitigation and Monitoring Measures 88 7. Statutory Assessment _________________________________________________ 98 7.1 Introduction 98 7.2 Actual and Potential Effects 98 7.3 National Environmental Standards 99 7.4 National Policy Statements 99