Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-1 - Area 1, Coromandel Forest Park – Assessment of Environmental Effects 135 vibrations greater than 2mm/s, or the area exposed to vent discharges. There is a range of mitigation measures being proposed to reduce any potential effect. To further offset potential effects predator and pest control is also being proposed. This will lead to habitat enhancement for frog species and it the WNP will ultimately provide for a net benefit to Archey’s frogs. In addition, the Waihi North Biodiversity Project represents an opportunity to provide major long term (inter-generational) ecological benefits to the wider CFP area. This work is not required to mitigate or offset any adverse effects associated with the project. The WUG and Dual Tunnels are located beneath DOC land and are in surface water catchments that are identified as ‘natural state’ in the WRP. Because of this, groundwatersurface water interaction has been very carefully considered for this project. Central to this, OGNZL is proffering a condition of consent which requires it to manage its mining activities within the CFP so they do not cause any measurable changes in the natural flows or water quality in any surface water body. Various technical assessments have been provided by New Zealand and international based experts which outline how this will be done using relatively standard and proven methodologies for managing dewatering in this type of activity. With respect to the statutory planning framework that applies to the activities at Area 1, it is concluded that the development of the project in the manner proposed by OGNZL will for the most part align comfortably with the overall management intentions specified in the relevant national, regional and district planning documents based on the effects assessments included in these application documents. It certainly cannot be concluded that the activities at Area 1 will be contrary, or repugnant, to any of the relevant statutory planning documents. This assessment will be updated following receipt of the various CVA/CIA documents being produced by tangata whenua. Finally, it is noted that OGNZL has consulted with interested / potentially affected parties and the wider community with respect to the WNP and activities in Area 1. This consultation has informed the various environmental assessments and will continue throughout the resource consent process and during the subsequent operation of the WNP.