Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-1 - Area 1, Coromandel Forest Park – Assessment of Environmental Effects 130 In accordance with these directives: There are very few surface expressions associated with Area 1. The diminutive scale of these features within the extensive homogenous forest cover will protect the visual and physical integrity of the wider outstanding landscape; The proposed ventilation shafts will be located along the paper road; The effects of noise on the aesthetic and intrinsic values of CFP will be mitigated to the extent practicable by installing fans at the bottom of the ventilation shafts to minimise the level of noise reaching the surface. Similarly, with respect to vibration, reducing the blasting package to the smallest practicable level will minimise potential the vibration effects on aesthetic and intrinsic values of CFP. Even with the above measures in place, some localised visual, noise and vibration effects will alter the aesthetic and intrinsic values of CFP at that location. In this regard, it should be noted that the forest is not “pristine” and with a Royal Standard Battery and associated activities historically being located in this area (refer to Section 5.13 of this AEE). CFP also occupies a footprint of over 72,000 ha. Therefore, while a localised effect may arise, the aesthetic and intrinsic values of the wider CFP will be protected. Hazardous Substances and Contaminated Land Section 7.7 of the HDP relates to the management of hazardous substances and contaminated land. The objectives and policies relating to contaminated land specify the following: avoid, remedy or mitigate the risk of adverse effect to the environment and the community associated with the transportation of hazardous substances;170 minimise the risks of adverse effects to the environment and the community associated with the storage of hazardous substances; and 171 minimise the risks of adverse effects on the environment and community from contaminated land and the disposal of hazardous substances. 172 As described in Section 5.14 of this AEE, an underground Class 1 storage facility (referred to as the “WUG Underground Magazine Facility”) will be established within the WUG). With specified reference to the outcomes sought in the provisions described above: 170 Objective 1 and associated policies, Section 7.7 Hauraki District Plan. 171 Objective 2 and associated policies, Section 7.7 Hauraki District Plan. 172 Objective 3 and associated policies, Section 7.7 Hauraki District Plan.