Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-1 - Area 1, Coromandel Forest Park – Assessment of Environmental Effects 115 Policy 5 is of particular importance to activities occurring within Area 1 as it relates to the protection of natural state water classes. The Wharekirauponga, Adams, Teawaotemutu, Edmonds and Thompson Streams are all identified as holding a “natural state water class”. Policy 5 directs that the purpose of the natural state water class is to protect the flow regime, water quality and riparian and aquatic habitat for indigenous species in order to maintain the aesthetic and intrinsic values derived from the unmodified or largely unmodified nature of the catchment. The policy goes on to note that these water bodies are outstanding waterbodies and important habitats because they are unmodified or substantially unmodified by human intervention. As discussed with respect to Policy 8 of the NPSFM, mining activities will be carefully managed to ensure that dewatering activities within Area 1 are carefully monitored, predicted and avoided before any such effects are realised. Activities within Area 1 will therefore not give rise to any effects on the flow regime, water quality and riparian and aquatic habitat of indigenous species within the Wharekirauponga, Adams, Teawaotemutu, Edmonds, Thompson Waiharakeke Streams. A small warm spring located above the ore body will be lost as a result of dewatering within the WUG. This spring does not hold any particular significance values and changes to the flow regime of the Wharekirauponga Stream will be indiscernible. Riparian and aquatic habitats will not be affected by the loss of the spring and a modest improvement in water quality is expected. Accordingly, the flow regime, water quality and riparian and aquatic habitat for indigenous species are being protected such that the aesthetic and intrinsic values derived from the unmodified or largely unmodified nature of the catchment are maintained. In light of the above, the activities being undertaken within Area 1 are being undertaken in a manner that is consistent with outcomes sought by Objective 3.1.2 and associated policies (noting tangata whenua matters are addressed in Section 5 of the Overarching AEE). Water Takes Objective 3.3.2 relates to the management of water allocation. The outcomes sought by this objective include ensuring: water availability meets the needs of existing and the reasonably justified and foreseeable future domestic or municipal supply requirements and animal drinking water requirements;78 78 Objective 3.3.2 (b), Section 3.3 Waikato Regional Plan.