B-1 - Area 1, Coromandel Forest Park – Assessment of Environmental Effects 114 Of particular relevance to this objective: Area 1 forms part of the wider WNP. The WNP project will result in an expansion to OGNZL’s mining operations and will extend the life of the mine for another six years, to at least 2036. The project will generate $626 million of additional capital investment, to unlock $3.4 billion of additional silver and gold exports, over 300 additional well-paid jobs directly at the mine and over 1000 additional indirect jobs among suppliers and wider community. The additional contribution to the local (Hauraki District) GDP is the equivalent of 37 % per year of Hauraki District’s GDP in 2019;70 As described with respect to Policy 8 of the NPSFM, dewatering associated with the WUG will not have a measurable change in the natural flow regime, water quality or soil regolith. Accordingly, no change to water quality, or aquatic ecosystem health are anticipated;71 Groundwater will be either re-used for mining activities or pumped to collection ponds at the Willows Road Surface Facilities Area 1 and ultimately to the WTP for treatment and subsequent discharge;72 Grouting and sealing of tunnel structure will be undertaken to reduce the amount of groundwater intercepted, to the extent practicable;73 Area 1 is not within any identified aquifer management areas in the WRP. Notwithstanding, the dewatering volumes within Area 1 have been calculated as being within the groundwater availability for the Otahu Catchment and will not have an adverse effect on other groundwater uses;74 The purpose for which the nearest waterbodies are being managed is discussed further with respect to Policy 5 below;75 There will be no discharges to shallow groundwater or surface waters associated with activities occurring within Area 1; 76 and, Natural character is discussed in Section 5.5 of the AEE. As concluded in that section, the permanent removal of the warm spring is not inappropriate from a natural character perspective.77 70 Objective 3.1.2 (a), Section 3.1 Waikato Regional Plan. 71 Objective 3.1.2(b), (c), and (m), Waikato Regional Plan. 72 Objective 3.1.2(b), (c), (g), (m) and (o), Waikato Regional Plan. 73 Objective 3.1.2 (g), Waikato Regional Plan. 74 Objective 3.1.2 (e), (f) and (m) Waikato Regional Plan. 75 Objective 3.1.2 (n), Waikato Regional Plan. 76 Objective 3.1.2 (k), (o), Waikato Regional Plan. 77 Objective 3.1.2(l), Section 3.1 Waikato Regional Plan.