B-1 - Area 1, Coromandel Forest Park – Assessment of Environmental Effects 108 To minimise the potential effects of air discharges from the ventilation shafts on fauna within CFP, emission controls will be imposed on activities within the mine, including dust and exhaust emissions for diesel fuelled mining equipment and vehicles; Underground surfaces will be kept damp to discourage entrainment of airborne particulates; Seedings capable of reaching 8 m or more in height and located on the perimeter of the ventilation shaft will be periodically removed to avoid interference with vent exhaust dispersal. This will also avoid fauna occupying trees where the highest and warmest discharges will be experienced. With the above measures in place, the proposed discharges to air will be undertaken in a way which maintains the ecological functioning of ecosystems with CFP37 and protects significant habitats of indigenous fauna such that the values and characteristics of those habitats are not reduced.38 Pest Influx and Disease The introduction of human activity within CFP has the potential to increase pest flux and spread of disease. To manage such effects: pest influx will be controlled using existing predator control measures, such as hygiene measures and trapping (refer to Section 6 for conditions); wasp control will be undertaken within the forest area above the WUG to reduce predation / competition effects of wasps and native fauna; and, the potential effects associated with the spread of kauri dieback disease will be avoided, with implementation of OGNZL’s established CFP KDMP. As noted earlier, long term pest control is also proposed within a 314 ha area of CFP to provide support and benefit to Archey’s frogs (primarily) and other fauna. The proposed management of potential for pest influx and disease will ensure that kauri and significant fauna within Area 1 are protected. Dewatering As outlined above, the dewatering activity will be managed to not cause any measurable changes in the natural flows or water quality in any surface water body identified as a Natural State Water Body in the WRP. By achieving this outcome it is also certain that the 37 Policy 11.1, Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 38 Policy 11.2, Waikato Regional Policy Statement.