Waihi North Project – Overview of Application Structure xiii Term Meaning volume from the processing of ore from the Waihi North Project and other mining activities. Underground Mines Refers to the various underground mines that have been established to the east and southeast of the Martha Pit in the last 30 years. These include the Favona, Trio, Correnso, and Slevin Underground Mines, and more recently, the Martha Phase 4 Underground Mines authorised as part of Project Martha. Waihi Epithermal District The area around Waihi which contains economic concentrations of precious metals. Waihi North Biodiversity Project A voluntary large scale predator control and habitat enhancement project OGNZL proposes to undertake over an approximate 18,870 ha of the Coromandel Forest Park as part of the Waihi North Project. Waihi North Project Is the topic of this resource consent application. A project centred around development of the newly discovered Wharekirauponga ore deposit. It involves activities within Areas 1 through 7 and will extend the life of the Waihi mining operation to 2038, with the potential to add over 1.7 million ounces of gold and 2.9 million ounces of silver production over a 13-year period. Waihi Surface Facilities Area Existing SFA located to the east of Waihi township, containing various infrastructure required to support mining activity (including the WTP and Processing Plant). Access to the Waihi SFA is by way of Baxter Road and an access road over the Ohinemuri River. Watercourse A natural or artificial channel through which water flows. Water Treatment Plant An existing onsite Water Treatment Plant within the Waihi SFA and Area 5 which is used to treat water from mining operations prior to discharging this water into the Ohinemuri River at two consented locations via multi-port diffusers. The Water Treatment Plant will be upgraded to treat water from additional mining operations, to be authorised as part of the Waihi North Project. Wetland Defined in s2(1) of the RMA to include “…permanently or intermittently wet areas, shallow water, and land water margins that support a natural ecosystem of plants and animals that are adapted to wet conditions”. Wharekirauponga Access Tunnel or WUG Access Tunnel A 5km long tunnel which will connect the Waihi SFA with the Wharekirauponga Dual tunnels. It will be used to transport ore underground to the existing Processing Plant, and for general operational access between the Wharekirauponga Underground Mine and the Waihi SFA. It will also be used to transport rock from the NRS to the Wharekirauponga Underground Mine for backfilling of stopes once the supply of rock stored in the Willows Rock Stack is exhausted. Wharekirauponga Dual Tunnels or Dual Tunnels A 6.9 km dual decline tunnel system that connects to the Wharekirauponga Access Tunnel and Willows Access Tunnel at approximately the boundary of the Coromandel Forest Park and extends to the base of the Wharekirauponga ore resource within the Wharekirauponga Underground Mine.