B-1 - Area 1, Coromandel Forest Park – Assessment of Environmental Effects 107 The significance values ascribed to CFP with respect to significant indigenous vegetation and significant habitats of indigenous fauna will therefore be protected in accordance with Policy 11.2. Noise Both construction and operation of the ventilation shafts will generate noise effects, as described in Boffa Miskell (2022b) report and evaluated in Section 5.2 of this AEE. In order to maintain the healthy ecological functioning of ecosystems within CFP34 and protect the significant habitats of indigenous fauna,35 a number of measures will be implemented during construction and operation of the ventilation shafts and mine (respectively) to manage the effects of noise on these habitats. This will include employing best practice noise reduction measures in association with the operation of the ventilation shafts, including placement of the ventilation fans at the bottom of the shaft and installation of a wildlife exclusion fence around the perimeter of the shaft (within the 576m2 area) to prevent faunal occupation within the area most affected by noise. Vibration In order to maintain the healthy ecological functioning of ecosystems within CFP and protect the significant habitats of indigenous fauna from vibration effects, the following measures will be implemented during construction and operation of the ventilation shafts and mine respectively: best practice pest control will be implemented over the 314ha where a measurable vibration effect may be expressed at the surface. The design level of this pest control area will be designed to promote Archey’s frog population recovery, as this is the most sensitive species present to vibration effects. Such mitigation will also serve to benefit sensitive indigenous invertebrates and lizards; offsetting enhancements of an additional 318 ha of intensive pest control within the “best” areas of Archey’s frog habitat to the east and west of the WUG; 36 and, compensation in the form of support for researchers to undertake investigative work within the WUG and wider frog enhancement areas to assess the efficacy of pest control regimes for frog recovery, and surveys of the broader Coromandel Peninsula to better understand the distribution and habitat preferences of Archey’s frogs. Discharges With respect to discharges to air within CFP: 34 Policy 11.1, Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 35 Policy 11.2, Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 36 Policy 11.1 and 11.2, Waikato Regional Policy Statement.