Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-1 - Area 1, Coromandel Forest Park – Assessment of Environmental Effects 106 within Area 1 have been separated into six themes: vegetation clearance; noise; vibration; discharges; pest influx; and dewatering. In addition to the measures set out below, Section 5.2.3 of this AEE describes the Biodiversity Project. The Waihi North Biodiversity Project is proposed as a way to ensure habitats and species are maintained and enhanced in the vicinity of WNP for at least the foreseeable future and ideally in perpetuity. The proposed approach deliberately maximises the involvement of tangata whenua and other people (including via employment) and is intended to be designed with long term (inter-generational) ecological outcomes in mind. The benefits associated with the Biodiversity Project are therefore not required to avoid, remedy, mitigate, offset or compensate for any effects arising as a result of the WNP. Vegetation Clearance With respect to vegetation clearance within Area 1: The location of up to four geotechnical drilling sites (and their subsequent use as vent shaft locations) will be selected following detailed ecological surveys to ensure the site selected minimises the effects on significant indigenous flora and fauna;31 The associated vegetation and habitat loss (up to 576m2 in total) will result in a low level of effect (or very low if existing cleared sites are able to be used). A biodiversity offset is proposed on the north east ridge of Willows Road Farm to ensure “no net loss” of vegetation and habitat loss; 32 In order to further minimise any potential effects associated with vegetation loss: o a total of 41,500 m2 (inclusive of the 6,192 m2 described above) of regenerative planting is proposed on the northeast ridge of Willows Road Farm to connect an existing remnant bush fragment occupied by Hochstetter’s frog and CFP.;33 o approximately 55,000 m2 of replanting along the forest boundary on Willows Road Farm is proposed; o predator control and pig and stock exclusion fencing will be undertaken within the revegetated area; and, o the vent shaft sites will be remediated following the closure of the mine. The aforementioned measures substantially exceed what is required to offset the effects of vegetation loss and will achieve the positive biodiversity outcomes sought by Policy 11.1. 31 Policy 11.2, Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 32 Policy 11.1, Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 33 Policy 11.1, Waikato Regional Policy Statement.