Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-1 - Area 1, Coromandel Forest Park – Assessment of Environmental Effects 104 Recognising the interrelationship between land use and water quality and quantity24. Objective 3.15 seeks that the allocation and use of freshwater is managed to achieve those freshwater objectives by: Avoiding any new over-allocation of ground and surface water; Seeking to phase out any existing over-allocation of ground and surface water by 31 December 2030; Increasing efficiency in the allocation and use of water; and Recognising the social, economic and cultural benefits of water takes and uses. Policies 8.2, 8.3 and 8.6 of the RPS are the primary policies (insofar as Area 1 is concerned) that give effect to Objectives 3.14 and 3.15. Policy 8.2 is of particular relevance to Area 1 as a number of waterbodies located within CFP are classified as “outstanding freshwater bodies”. This policy requires the protection, and where appropriate, enhancement of the outstanding values of outstanding freshwater bodies. For the reasons set out with respect to Policy 8 in the NPSFM, the evaluation provided for Policy 8 applies in relation to the protection of outstanding freshwater bodies and their values. The indirect effects of mining activities on waterbodies draws Policy 8.3 into consideration. Policy 8.3 directs that the effects of activities be managed to maintain or enhance the identified values of freshwater bodies by (as relevant): Avoiding physical modification of freshwater bodies where practicable; Where appropriate, protecting and enhancing riparian and wetland habitat, instream habitat diversity and indigenous biodiversity; and, Managing groundwater and surface water flow/level regimes and the linkages between groundwater and surface water. The mining methodology described above in the discussion of Policy 8 of the NPSFM will ensure dewatering activities will not adversely affect the relationship between ground and surface water or result in the physical modification of the outstanding natural waterbodies within CFP.25 By protecting waterbodies in this way, the riparian and wetland habitats, instream habitat diversity and indigenous biodiversity within CFP will also be protected insofar as the policy relates.26 Accordingly, the mauri and identified values of the 24 Objective 3.14(h). Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 25 Policy 8.3(d)(i) and (e)(i) and (ii), Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 26 Policy 8.3(b) and (e)(i) and (ii), Waikato Regional Policy Statement.