B-1 - Area 1, Coromandel Forest Park – Assessment of Environmental Effects 101 OGNZL continues to engage with tangata whenua regarding activities occurring within Area 1 and the wider WNP. Through this consultation process, OGNZL is focuses on how the project can establish and operate in a way that protects the mauri of the wai and restores and preserves the balance between water, the environment and community. Policy 7 Policy 7 of NPSFM seeks to ensure the loss of river extent and values is avoided to the extent practicable. As set out in detail with respect to Policy 8 of the NPSFM below Section, the underground tunnelling and mining methodology has been carefully developed to avoid any potential effects of dewatering activities on the outstanding surface water bodies located within CFP before they are realised. An unavoidable effect of dewatering within Area 1 is the removal of a small warm natural spring located within the Wharekirauponga Stream catchment. The warm spring and the length of the waterbody affected by its presence is very small and its life supporting capacity is compromised by the attributes of the spring water itself. The overall ecological value of this spring is assessed as low, and therefore the loss of this spring is not considered to be an adverse effect on ecological values that is any more than minor. The values ascribed to the Wharekirauponga Stream will therefore not be affected by the removal of the spring. Dewatering within Area 1 will therefore not give rise to any loss of river extent or currently known values, and subject to any further information provided in the CIA and CVA documents is entirely consistent with this policy. Policy 8 Protecting the significant values of outstanding water bodies is the focus of Policy 8 of the NPSFM. There are six outstanding natural waterbodies potentially affected by mining activities within Area 1 including the Wharekirauponga Stream, Adams Stream, Teawaotemutu Stream, Edmonds Stream, Thompson Stream and Waiharakeke Stream. The underground mining methodology has been carefully developed to avoid dewatering impacts on the above mentioned outstanding natural waterbodies. This is described in detail in Sections 5.3 and 6. With the above measures in place, the directives of Policy 8 are achieved.