Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-1 - Area 1, Coromandel Forest Park – Assessment of Environmental Effects 98 7. STATUTORY ASSESSMENT 7.1 INTRODUCTION This section of the AEE provides an assessment of the activities occurring within Area 1 against the key relevant matters set out in s104(1), 105 and 107 of the RMA. This section includes: A brief overview of the actual and potential environmental effects associated with activities occurring within Area 1; An evaluation of activities within Area 1 against the most relevant national, regional and district planning documents. This includes: o National Environmental Standards for Air Quality (“NPS Air Quality”); o National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 (“NPSFM”); o the Waikato Regional Policy Statement (“RPS”); o the Waikato Regional Plan (“WRP”); and o the Hauraki District Plan (“HDP”). o other matters – iwi management plans (Whaia te Mahere Taiao a Hauraki) An assessment of the activities within Area 1 against s105 of the RMA; and, An assessment of the activities within Area 1 against s107 of the RMA. The broader statutory context for the WNP is described in detail Section 9 of the Overarching AEE. That information is not repeated here. All statutory considerations with respect to tangata whenua are also considered in the Overarching AEE. All relevant provisions described in section 104(1) (b) and (c) are identified in Part J. 7.2 ACTUAL AND POTENTIAL EFFECTS With respect to s104(1)(a) of the RMA, an assessment of the actual and potential effects on the environment associated with the activities occurring within Area 1 is provided in Section 5 of this AEE and in the technical assessments commissioned by OGNZL. Section 6 of this AEE also outlines other measures proposed by OGNZL which are able to be considered under s104(1)(ab) of the RMA which will ensure positive effects on the environment. These measures also align with OGNZL’s overall objective to ensure the wider WNP achieves an overall net gain.