Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-1 - Area 1, Coromandel Forest Park – Assessment of Environmental Effects 95 Actual or Potential Effect Recommended Mitigation / Management Recommended Monitoring / Future Action Additional Measures Proposed by OGNZL Control exotic weeds present within the vent raise construction sites during construction activities and for a period of two years following the completion of vent raise construction activities. Spread of Kauri Dieback disease within the CFP during construction of the vent raises. A CFP KDMP will be prepared that sets out the procedures to be used to prevent the proposed activities causing the introduction and/or spread of Kauri Dieback Disease in the CFP. Surveillance methods for detecting Kauri dieback at a worksite before it manifests in trees will be included in the CFP KDMP. None. Spread of Chytrid fungus during construction of vent raises. Adhere to the national Frog Hygiene Protocol to minimise the possible spread of chytrid fungus and other pathogens to, within and between the CFP. As required in the Frog Hygiene Protocol. None. Increased fire risk during construction of vent raises. A fire extinguisher must be available at all times during construction activities at vent raise sites. The fire extinguisher must be suitable for the type and magnitude of construction activities being undertaken. None. None. Vibration impact on Archey’s Frog. Firm limits on the surface vibration that is able to occur above the mine site. These reflect the vibration envelope on which the Archey’s Frog Assessments of effects were based and are accompanied by to monitor and report on compliance with those limits; OGNZL to establish a fund to provide financial support for researchers to undertake investigations into the efficacy of different predator control strategies and techniques to improve Vibration monitoring is proposed. The method of monitoring will be finalised and confirmed prior to the start of production. None.