B-1 - Area 1, Coromandel Forest Park – Assessment of Environmental Effects 93 Actual or Potential Effect Recommended Mitigation / Management Recommended Monitoring / Future Action Additional Measures Proposed by OGNZL Surface Water Effects on the Warm Spring Offset the loss of ecological value by completing habitat enhancement of six spring and gully headwaters (at least 85 m in length in total) at Area 2. None. None. Effects on other surface waters. Manage all activities to have no measurable effect on the quality or quantity of these waterbodies other than that caused by the loss of the warm spring. See Dewatering and Ground Settlement Section. None. Terrestrial Ecology Impacts to fauna and flora during construction of vent raises. A requirement that suitably qualified ecologist(s) undertake preclearance ecological survey of the proposed vent raise locations; A requirement that a site may only be used if the pre-clearance survey finds it meets strict criteria in terms of the lizards, frogs and vegetation present; A requirement to translocating various at-risk fauna; Various translocation requirements for lizards and frogs and fencing requirements such that they cannot re-enter a vent raise site following translocation; Pre-clearance requirements for avifauna; Adherence to DOC endorsed Bat Roost Protocols during vegetation clearance; None. None.