B-1 - Area 1, Coromandel Forest Park – Assessment of Environmental Effects 89 Table 6: Summary of key management and monitoring measures for Area 1 (WUG, including the Dual Tunnels) Actual or Potential Effect Recommended Mitigation / Management Recommended Monitoring / Future Action Additional Measures Proposed by OGNZL Cultural Matters Potential effects on matters of importance to the iwi of Waihi, and their relationship with ancestral lands and water. To be confirmed through CVA / CIA process described in Chapter 5 of the Overarching AEE. To be confirmed through CVA / CIA process described in Chapter 5 of the Overarching AEE. To be confirmed through CVA / CIA process described in Chapter 5 of the Overarching AEE. Landscape, Natural Character and Visual Amenity Loss of a single warm spring with low ecological value. See Surface Water section below. See Surface Water section below. See Surface Water section below. Visibility of vent raises and associated temporary activities from within the CFP and Wharekirauponga Walk. Sensitive design of temporary buildings and structures including neutral colours which relate to their natural setting. Ensure the shaft raises and associated temporary activities are not highly visible from Wharekirauponga Walk. None. None Recreation Effects of the vent raises on tramping and pig hunting during construction and operation. Provide clear signage or markers around vent raise sites to avoid members of the public accidentally accessing the site during construction. Track notices should be placed at the entrance of Wharekirauponga Track and at the Kauaeranga Visitor Centre prior to the commencement of construction activities. None. None.