Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-1 - Area 1, Coromandel Forest Park – Assessment of Environmental Effects 88 o Alert levels for surface water flows at the surface water monitoring locations (surface flow alert levels) which are set at flows representing the maximum expected deviation from the WBM flow predictions based on the measured climatic data and are to be used when dewatering activities are occurring within the mine to alert the Consent Holder and the WRC that the catchment response may be deviating from pre-mining behaviour. A requirement to implement the certified Mine Area Groundwater Management Strategy and to report bi-monthly to the Expert Panel and Council on progress, key monitoring data and the effectiveness of the grouting and other mitigation employed to manage groundwater ingress. 6.4 BIODIVERSITY PROJECT CONDITIONS The details of the Waihi North Biodiversity Project are currently being worked through with tangata whenua. This engagement process will be ongoing following lodgement of the consent applications. Through that process it is envisaged that details of the project objectives and the mechanism for overseeing the design, governance, implementation, monitoring and review of the project may be agreed prior to a decision on the applications being made. If that is the case conditions will need to be put forward which reflect the agreed outcome. However, a suite of proposed conditions below are proposed to provide an indication of what a condition structure could look like in the event agreement has not been reached with tangata whenua by the time a decision on the application is made. They include conditions which put minimum requirements on key aspects, including: The general area in which the Waihi North Biodiversity Project will occur; The amount of money OGNZL must commit to the project over the life of the consents; Key timeframes around establishing and implementing the project; and Reporting requirements. 6.5 SUMMARY OF MITIGATION AND MONITORING MEASURES Table 6 contains a summary of the mitigation and monitoring measures proposed for Area 1.