Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

Waihi North Project – Overview of Application Structure x Term Meaning Favona Underground Mine An existing underground mine, authorised in 2004, located beneath residential properties in Waihi's east end and accessed via the existing Favona portal. Fish IBI The Fish Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) is a measure of how intact the native fish community is within a stream reach or stream. Fish passage The movement of fish between the sea and any river, including up-stream or downstream in that river. Gladstone Open Pit A new open pit mine within Area 5 that will be situated predominantly over Gladstone Hill and part of Winner Hill, immediately east of the existing Waihi SFA. Gladstone Portal A new portal within Area 5 to the Trio Upper Drive within the Gladstone Open Pit. It will replace the existing Favona Portal that currently provides access to the Martha Underground Mine. Gladstone Open Pit Tailings Storage Facility A new fully lined TSF that will be established within the Gladstone Open Pit following the completion of mining within the Gladstone Open Pit. Also referred to as the ‘GOP TSF’. Maintenance Workshop and other surface facilities Located within the Waihi SFA to the south of the Processing Plant. It contains a workshop and stores for vehicles and parts, changing room facilities, offices, tearooms and various other surface facilities for staff. Martha Mine The Martha Mine is an open pit located in central Waihi. The Martha Mine has been operated since 1987. Martha Phase 4 Cutback Comprises a small extension to the north of the Martha Pit to remedy the failure of the north wall in a manner that will enable the pit walls to be left in a stable and safe condition at the completion of mining and restores access to the remaining consented ore reserve in the pit. Forms part of Project Martha in which consents were granted in 2018. Martha Underground Mine Underground mining beneath the Martha Pit and under a small area of residential, reserve and commercial land to the southeast of the pit. Forms part of Project Martha in which consents were granted in 2018. Modified watercourse An artificial or modified channel that may or may not be on the original watercourse alignment and which has a natural channel at its headwaters. MUG Portal A new portal within Area 5 to the Trio Upper Drive. It will be located adjacent to the WUG Portal. Northern Diversion Drain An existing diversion drain diverting clean water around TSF2 and authorised via AUTH 971309 and AUTH 971310. The Northern Diversion Drain will be extended as part of the various activities associated with the NRS in Area 6. Northern Rock Stack A new rock stack proposed to accommodate surplus rock associated with the Waihi North Project in Area 6. The NRS will accommodate rock predominantly from the GOP but may include some development rock from the WUG.