Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-1 - Area 1, Coromandel Forest Park – Assessment of Environmental Effects 85 Various translocation requirements for lizards and frogs and fencing requirements such that they cannot re-enter a vent raise site following translocation; Pre-clearance requirements for avifauna; Adherence to DOC endorsed Bat Roost Protocols during vegetation clearance; Management measures for terrestrial invertebrates; and A requirement to develop and adhere to a CFP KDMP. 6.2 ARCHEY’S FROG CONDITIONS There are three key aspects of the Archey’s frog conditions: Limits on the surface vibration that is able to occur above the mine site. The proposed limits reflect the vibration envelope on which the assessment of Archey’s Frog was based and are accompanied by a requirement to monitor and report on compliance with those limits; Conditions requiring OGNZL to establish a fund to provide financial support for researchers to undertake investigations into the efficacy of different predator control strategies and techniques to improve populations of Archey’s frogs, and for the further development of methods to assess the efficacy for frogs of predator control generally; and Conditions requiring OGNZL to undertake pest management over an area of at least 632 ha in the Wharekirauponga Animal Pest Management Area (“WAPMA”), including conditions which: o Specify its objective as being to achieve a net gain in Archey’s frogs within the WAPMA by managing pest animals, excluding pest invertebrates (other than wasps) and herpetofauna, in accordance with specific targets, as measured by residual trap catches, or other pest density indices; o Require the preparation and implementation of a Wharekirauponga Pest Animal Management Plan which sets out how that will be achieved; o Provision for DOC input into and Council certification of that Management Plan; o Require monitoring and reporting on progress towards achieving the objective; and o Require the pest management to start before and continue until two years after the completion of mining at WUG, or when monitoring undertaken in accordance with the certified Plan shows Archey’s frog numbers within the WAPMA are no lower than would be expected in this area had the mining activity not occurred considering frog numbers in nearby habitat which were unaffected by blasting vibration.