Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-7 – Area 7 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 136 8. CONCLUSION OGNZL is seeking all necessary resource consents from the HDC and the WRC for the various WNP activities at Area 7. They are centred around the establishment, operation and closure of new TSF3, to the east of existing TSF1A. The cultural effects of these activities are being addressed with tangata whenua through the CVA / CIA process described in Chapter 5 of the Overarching AEE. An assessment of all other potential effects on the environment of proposed activities in Area 7 is provided in Section 5 of this sub-AEE, as well as the various technical assessments commissioned by OGNZL which are included in Part G of the application documents. By way of summary, it is considered that the project can be undertaken in a manner that will appropriately avoid, remedy, mitigate or offset adverse effects on the environment. There will be some visual and noise effects associated with the Project at various stage of its development. However, OGNZL is proposing that the activities be undertaken in accordance with consent conditions which will limit the potential for adverse effects on the environment and which, in many instances, align with those which have been applied successfully in this location in respect of the construction and operation of the neighbouring TSF2 and TSF1A. The permanent removal of 8.3 ha of seral tree fern, rewarewa-dominant vegetation and bare ground from the 57 ha southern fragment of SNA166, including some (unknown number of) kanuka trees, one kauri and one pōhutukawa, would reduce the SNA166 southern fragment to 82% of the current extent. However, it would not result in the loss of the key elements of botanical value of the wider SNA166. Rather, it would represent a minor shift away from current conditions given that all of these species occur elsewhere in SNA166, and two of the species that would be affected are represented by singular relic individuals. These moderate effects will be offset to deliver no net loss of biodiversity values by providing 16.5 ha of offset planting in and adjacent to the southern fragment of SNA166. 20 ha of enhancement actions within pine-dominant areas of SNA 166 are also proposed to offset loss of 1.2 ha of non-SNA native vegetation. With respect to freshwater ecology, the main effect due to the activities in Area 7 is the loss of some 2,111 m of permanent and aquatic habitat within its footprint. The waterways to be lost include permanent, intermittent and ephemeral streams, artificial watercourses including a farm pond with low ecological value. This loss of aquatic habitat, along with the 1,443 m which would be lost from other activities associated with the WNP in Areas 5 and 6 is to be offset with the creation of 2,674 m of new stream diversion and 6.179 m of stream riparian restoration. The offset will deliver a no net loss outcome in stream ecological values.